Earlier Work

#002 -- Oak
This little jar was the second piece I turned. I was definitely hooked after completing it. It is about 4 inches in diameter. It took me about 6 hours to finish it (not counting two tries on the lid).


These are some more of my very first pieces:

#003 -- Cherry #007 -- Oak #008 -- Cedar #009 -- Oak, Hickory


These are pictures of what came off my lathe afterward:

1. Cherry -- 2. Padauk, Birch -- 3. Oak -- 4. Pecan 1. Iroko -- 2. Oak, Apitong -- 3. Lacewood, Ash -- 4. Cherry


1. Walnut, Maple, Padauk -- 2. Maple, Purpleheart 1. Oak -- 2. Purpleheart, Birch


1. Oak, Apitong -- 2. Purpleheart -- 3. Oak 1. Purpleheart -- 2. Mahogany -- 3. Padauk -- 4. Oak
5. Maple -- 6. Redwood -- 7. Oak


1. Purpleheart -- 2. Oak, Ash -- 3. Walnut, Ash 1. Walnut -- 2. Oak -- 3. Oak


1. Padauk -- 2. Maple, Purpleheart -- 3. Purpleheart 1. Oak -- 2. Mahogany, Maple, Walnut, Birch, Padauk
3. Birch


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